A simple filing guide for setting PPI on a new saw

Discussion in 'Saw Makers Forum' started by ray, Sep 18, 2008.

  1. ray

    ray Guest

    Hi All,

    Here is a simple filing guide for re-toothing (toothing) a new saw


    It is made from a scrap of 1/4 brass and some 20thou brass shim.

    I hope the pictures and diagrams make it clear as to how it works.

  2. pedder

    pedder Guest

    Re:A simple filing guide for setting PPI on a new

    Hi Ray,

    nice looking guide. I wonder how to use it. If used with a saw file wouldn\'t it be destroyed? Do you glue something on the site of the file wich touches the guide?

    Cheers Pedder
  3. ray

    ray Guest

    Re:A simple filing guide for setting PPI on a new

    Hi Pedder,

    I was just about to reply in the other thread.

    The guide is used to just file a notch big enough for the guide, and I don\'t apply pressure
    to the side of the file. It does wear a little, so maybe over time if will need to be

    So the guide is just to create a starter notch to mark the gullet positions.

    If you want a progressive pitch, you could just slide across a little each time. I haven\'t used it
    this way yet. (Previously I made a paper template).
