Two teeth per inch.

Discussion in 'Forum: Saw Identification and Discussion' started by fred0325, May 16, 2014.

  1. fred0325

    fred0325 Most Valued Member

    Hello all,

    This is, quite unashamedly my sort of saw. It has character and is designed for someone who didn't want to mess around with fiddly little cuts. It's a "get the job done, no nonsense sort of saw", although what the finished cut would look like I dread to think. If I have a go one day I will post the images.

    And for those of you of a sensitive disposition, I have cleaned the blade from a state of extreme rustiness to a little less rusty. As with many of my saws though, I have kept the reverse in its original condition.

    I was also perhaps a little optimistic in saying that there are two teeth per inch. On looking more closely at the photo's, it is more like 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 teeth per inch.

    There is no name on it unfortunately - possibly it was removed when the monstrous teeth were last re-cut. It has all the hallmarks though of a late 19th Century cheapie.

    Anyway as a saw it does things for me. I would love to know what it was designed for though.


    Attached Files:

  2. Joe S

    Joe S Most Valued Member

    Hey Fred
    My first reaction was it was an ice saw with those very large teeth. I think a lot of the manufactured ice saws had metal handles but this may have been user adapted and the owner used a typical hand saw and cut tthe teeth to fit the need.
    First I have seen. Different.
    Joe S.
  3. fred0325

    fred0325 Most Valued Member

    Thanks Joe,

    I never thought of an ice saw. I have never seen one over here before.

    I suppose that we must have had them as we definitely had ice houses.

    Rumor has it that we have one in our village. It is an enormous mound of earth and I will believe that it was an ice house when I find a door!! But you do hear about them, particularly attached to large houses.
