Thos. Turner + 1 unidentified saw

Discussion in 'Forum: Saw Identification and Discussion' started by fred0325, Feb 28, 2010.

  1. fred0325

    fred0325 Most Valued Member

    As this is a backsaw website I thought it is probably time that I put some backsaws on it, so here they are. (Once again, please go to my gallery to see the images.)

    There is nothing special I suspect about either, it is just an opportunity to put an image of the Turner +Co. trade-mark on the site with the additional impressions of \"refined cast steel\" and \"Improved\".

    As far as the unidentified saw goes, I was going to say:- \"here it is but there is not much chance of finding out what it is\". That was before I looked on Ray\'s gallery in the \"openhandled saw file\" at the first image, DSCN 1562 jpeg.

    This is one of the things that got me thinking about \"identification by handle\". Now I accept that there are marked and glaring differences between the blades and backs, and slight differences between the handles and nuts, but they look similar enough to me to be (on the face of it) related saws. This brings into play all the questions in the topic about identification by handle. Can it be done in this case?
    If Ray knows what his saw is, do I therefore know what my saw is?

    It also raises the question of comparing photographs and the problem of scale. That is why I have put the handle on a background of metric graph paper to give some ideas of scale.

    One other snippet about the unidentified saw is that it is the only saw I have seen ( in my so far very limited experience) to have a reverse cant - just over 1/10th of an inch, but this I assume is down to the sharpening process.

    Any comments are appreciated,