Spears and Jackson date confirmation please

Discussion in 'Forum: Saw Identification and Discussion' started by Lostarrow, Jul 27, 2021.

  1. Lostarrow

    Lostarrow Active Member

    Hey , everyone . I just cleaned up ( absolute minimal needed while preserving patina ) this nice little Spears and Jackson steel backed saw . It was quite a mess but has come back beautifully . It’s now straight , sharp and tracks perfectly with a clean exit .
    It’ll be a nice user .
    Can anyone confirm the date ? I found another that seems identical with a date between 1866-1875 . Thanks in advance

    Attached Files:

  2. kiwi

    kiwi Most Valued Member

    A good looking saw. I would consider that handle and fastener design to exist from your dates and up to c1900 as those features were used for an extended period. Manufacturer stamps also varied with time, so a picture of the marking on the spine may allow us to narrow the time estimate for your saw's production.
    shoarthing likes this.
  3. Dusty Shed Dweller

    Dusty Shed Dweller Most Valued Member

    The only known dating feature with S & J is the change from spanner bolts to Glover-patent style bolts, which happened around 1913.
    Lostarrow likes this.
  4. MountainAsh

    MountainAsh Member

    Hi LA. The beech used for the handles is stunning. I have a Taylors tenon saw and a Tyzack panel saw with similar flecks and rays. Any current beech that I have seen is just not the same. Old growth timbers? British specific climate? Some other anomaly?
    Lostarrow likes this.
  5. pedder

    pedder Most Valued Member

    Every beech has this rays. If it is 100% quatersawn

    This has to be old. On youger saws the hook vanished.
    Lostarrow likes this.