
Discussion in 'Forum: Saw Identification and Discussion' started by fred0325, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. fred0325

    fred0325 Most Valued Member

    Hello all,

    When I first saw this, I would have bet that it was an 1830's saw judging from the style and placement of the mark.

    Prior to buying it, however, I did have it on very good authority that Patterson was, in fact, a brand of W K and C Peace and so it is a fair bit later than the 1830's.

    This is not mentioned in HSMOB , but it may well be mentioned in another book on saws and sawmaking that is coming out in the not too distant future.

    It just goes to show how looks can deceive. But perhaps a giveaway is that the back has no bevel. And when you actually handle it, it is a very light and not very substantial a saw.


    Attached Files:

  2. kiwi

    kiwi Most Valued Member

    Hi Fred,

    Another Tradename teaser ! (good looking saw though)

    "Trademarks on Base-Metal Tableware" lists Patterson as one of WK&C Peace's trademarks, along with a bunch of other trademarks, including some real names (like "Patterson", "Isaac Greaves", "R Ibbotson") which can easily send you off on a false direction when you're searching for manufacturer history using names stamped/etched on old stuff.

    Deliberate deception, or just happenstance that makes research more interesting (sometimes aggravating) by casting doubt on every research "fact" ?