Moseley London: Catastrophic consequences to an illadvised design choice.

Discussion in 'Forum: Saw Identification and Discussion' started by Joe S, Feb 25, 2019.

  1. Joe S

    Joe S Most Valued Member

    Ray et. al
    I present this saw for a few reasons. We have had some discussion on saws marked Moseley and Son or Sons but I think we haven't seen examples of a saw with just Moseley London. John Moseley and the many variations have been around since it was first recorded around 1771. Primarily as a plane manufacturer and later many other tools later on. Simon has only one example of a saw with just the "Moseley" mark and all others with son or sons starting in the 1850s. Ray you suggested the sons were on the scene by about 1831. I am figuring this saw was made after 1810 but before 1840.
    This particular 23" saw has been well loved and seen many sharpening. The plate has a very distinct round nose and yet no nib. Don't know if it was shortened. The beech closed handle has 4 brass connectors with the center bolt going through each of the washers with remnants of the slots on the far side for tightening. The handle has me shaking my head though when I look at what has happened over the last 200 years. Where the cut for the inset of the blade and the first design drop down happens, the handle maker left a major knot that runs through the top and out the far side. A knock on the top horn and the tensions that are based on the growth rings around the knot have created a split that nature intended. It looks like it happened some time ago but years of drying has exacerbated the split and the pressure on the lower lambs tongue has given way also. I was reminded of this problem when I saw a late 17th century T Grandford (1687-1713) plane with knots through it and a comment asking how the maker thought the plane would stay straight to even be functional. Saw handles don't need it for function but are risking everything if the handle reacts and breaks. It also makes me wonder about the "new" saw makers now who have created wildly aesthetic handles with grain running in all directions yet risk an inherent future failure. Let me know what you think might be a possible date to the manufacture of this saw and the reasons why manufactures would include "destructive inclusions".
    Joe S.

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