Buy Sell Swap Forum

Discussion in 'Forum: Saw Identification and Discussion' started by ray, Dec 15, 2011.

  1. ray

    ray Administrator Staff Member

    Hi All,

    I've been asked if it's allowed to advertise saws for sale on the forum, this is from someone who isn't yet a member of the forum.

    My first thought would be to set up a separate forum section for Buy Sell Swap type ads.

    Some tentative rules might be..

    1. No commercial sellers.

    2. Transactions to be done by email, away from the forum, with the forum simply providing a way of putting people in touch with each other.

    I'm still mulling it over, I'd appreciate any thoughts you might care to add. be if for or against. I admit to being a trifle reluctant, but not sure I know why...

  2. Joe S

    Joe S Most Valued Member

    Hey Ray

    Always trust your first instinct. If there is some discomfort there is a reason and maybe just hard to articulate without offending someone. There are lots of other venues for people to sell their wares.
    I personaly have never sold a saw.... gave it away or traded.
    Love the forum as is.
    my 2 cents
    Joe S.
  3. fred0325

    fred0325 Most Valued Member

    Hello all,

    I am sorry to write this in respect of the person who would like to sell etc saws but I think that it would put an element of commerciality into what is a relatively "pure" forum.

    I like this forum because prices are seldom mentioned and there is little if any of the gloating that you find in other forums. The insertion of a commercial section in whatever guise may well encourage bias and unecessary arguement re the saws offered for sale---.

    I buy as fair bit off Ebay and you would have all the problems of description etc that you get there, with the consequent ill-will generated between unhappy buyers/sellers.

    As per Joe, I don't want to dispose of any of my better saws and I think that no-one in their right mind would want my lesser quality ones. I have got saws that have come in job lots that I don't particulary want, but there is always ebay for those.

    I know that it isn't a voting matter, but mine would be to keep it as it is.

  4. TraditionalToolworks

    TraditionalToolworks Most Valued Member

    Seems like selling is always a double edge sword.

    I agree these forums were not intended for folks to post sales, but OTOH, maybe having a separate section would work.

    Doesn't seem right for someone to waltz in and just post for sale items, so maybe there is a way for them to earn membership in order to post.

    Over on Practical Machinist, Don requires you post at least 10 posts in order to be able to post in the for sale forum. Maybe something like that would work here, or other approval from Ray????
  5. ray

    ray Administrator Staff Member

    Hi All,

    Just a personal view..
    I don't think I've ever looked at a saw and thought, I wonder what that's worth. Like everyone else on this forum, I'm more interested in who made it, when, and some of the historical context, preserving a little piece of our heritage for the future, that's where the real value lies.

    Likewise, I've never sold a saw, (so what would I know about selling :) ) but I've given more than a few away over time.

    So, I think that's the decision made for the time being. What people do away from the forum is none of my business, but blatantly posting saws just with the intention of selling them is not really what this forum is about.

    Put it on ebay or in one of those specialist tool auctions, and let us know about it, by posting a link, by all means. Just don't overdo it.

    Thanks, Joe, Fred and Alan for helping me clarify the question.

  6. sweaders

    sweaders Member


    hi ray

    hello ray correct me if i,m wrong but i thought i saw material / brass and steel etc /being discussed for sale
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2012
  7. ray

    ray Administrator Staff Member

    Hi Sweaders,

    I re-formatted your reply above.

    Thanks for your thoughts..

    The slit brass saw backs I made for Stewie were made for free... :)

  8. pedder

    pedder Most Valued Member

    Hi Ray and all,

    I've sold a few saws, new and old.

    And I've shipped saws. Shipping saws around the world is a PITA. It often costs more than the saws (ok, only the old ones) and I'm allways nail bitting, if they arrive saftly. (Getting some saws from UK Seller, you wonder how they arrive saftly, because UK seller have a complete different view of how a saws should be packed.)

    But I made a lot new friends from people I've sold a saw. So I think a sell and swap forum would be nice. And we will see more pictures of old saw. Some of the dealers pages are my favorite inspiration sites. Jim Bode as an example. Doubt I ever will buy a saw from him but theses pictures are nice!
