None of the original material presented here is subject to copyright, you may use freely, provided that you attribute the source. (can you say plaugerism). Other copyrighted material presented here will be attributed to the source, and where I can I will contact the copyright holder to seek permission. If you find anything here which you believe is infringing on your copyright, let me know and it will be removed.

Copyright is a very confused and difficult area, most of the issues revolve around questions relating to "fair use", in this respect, this site seeks to follow "best practice" as far as it is known to me. Main points are, this is a non-profit site, with educational bias, most of the information presented here is of a factual nature (except my opinions), and I will honour any requests to remove any material that is brought to my attention that is infringing on someone else's copyright.

Contributed Images
Images contributed to the gallery, remain the property of those who uploaded them. I assert no rights whatsoever in respect of those images, and if you wish to use them, you should talk to the owner, not me. (oh wait, I retain the right to remove any thing I deem to be inapropriate, power tools etc)