James Robinson & Sons?

Discussion in 'Forum: Saw Identification and Discussion' started by David Schultz, Jul 30, 2015.

  1. David Schultz

    David Schultz Member

    Anyone ever hear of a sawmaker "James Robinson & Sons"? I picked up this saw last year and tried to identify it with the help of the woodwork forum, but we never did find a match:


    - the blade is 25 3/4" in length
    - 7 PPI
    - nib
    - split nuts
    - does not appear to be taper ground
    - stamp appears to read "James Robinson & Sons & Co.", although I am filling in some of the blanks
    - below the company name is "German Steel"
    - no extra holes in the blade

    Here are some photos (the handle has been refinished):


    pmcgee likes this.
  2. fred0325

    fred0325 Most Valued Member

    Hi David,

    I am not going to be a lot of help unfortunately and perhaps even be a hindrance.

    I have looked at all your close-ups of the name and cannot see an "ONS" after "ROBINS" and before "SONS and Co."

    Could the name be James Robins with a large gap between his name and "Sons"?

    Even if this is the case, I cannot find a Robins as a sawmaker or in any related trades in the 1879 directory

    Also, when I see a saw (possibly not a premium quality one if it is 1870's onwards) without a place of manufacture I immediately think of it as possibly/probably being a brand. If it is a brand and no-one knows who the maker is, said maker may never be found.

    I will keep looking in the Directories for both Robins and Robinson.

    David Schultz likes this.
  3. David Schultz

    David Schultz Member


    I had not thought of there being a gap -- that's entirely possible. It seems to make sense, seeing that there does not appear to have ever been a letter right after "ROBINS".

  4. pmcgee

    pmcgee Most Valued Member

    Last edited: Jul 31, 2015
    David Schultz likes this.
  5. fred0325

    fred0325 Most Valued Member


    I have looked through all the Robins in Sheffield between 1841 and 1910 and can find none that fit the bill. Even remotely.

    Unless, of course, the saw was named after the husband of Phoebe Robins in 1905 whose success in midwifery safely delivered a child of the so far unknown maker.:)
    David Schultz likes this.