Saw back depth

Discussion in 'Forum: Saw Identification and Discussion' started by Batman3000, Jun 13, 2015.

  1. Batman3000

    Batman3000 Member

    IMG_2831.JPG IMG_2829.JPG IMG_2826.JPG Hi,
    I have been fixing up a Swedish saw with Pio 308 written faintly on the etch. I was wondering how deep the blade is pinched in the unusual spine. Is it all the way or just on the edge? Thank if you can help.

    Attached Files:

  2. David

    David Most Valued Member

    My experience, having pulled and replaced a couple of dozen spines, is that they're never in the full depth, even though the depth can vary. Generally there are marks on the blade that are good indications of the original location, and I can see such marks on your blade. Also, the mortise in the wooden handle where the spine is inserted generally provides a positive stop for the spine and can be another indication of the original relationship between blade and spine. It should be fully inserted into that mortice. I would also consider that the sharp angled point of the round spine at the handle end would not be exposed as your photos show. It seems that would be dangerous. So I'd think it should be deeper than you show.
    I hope this is helpful.
  3. Batman3000

    Batman3000 Member

    Thanks, I thought as much and was waiting for a second opinion especially as the spine was one I've never seen before.